Today is Suicide Sunday, the beginning of May Week, which is traditionally spent drinking as much alcohol as is humanly possible. Needless to say that isn't so much my cup of tea (as it were), but I still spent most of the day drinking Pimms and eating strawberries in the Master's Garden at the TCMS Garden Party. And before that I went to a fair with some friends where I had a roast lamb wrap, a mezze plate and rather a lot of chocolate fudge. So come the evening I didn't really feel like eating anything much. A friend joined me for dinner and we made this lovely light meal with the broad beans and huge elephant garlic I'd just bought at the organic stall in the market. We blanched the chopped garlic along with the beans - a nice idea, although even less than the two minutes we gave it would have been better - then scattered it all over the salad, along with some torn leaves from my basil plant. A slug of olive oil and a good squeeze of lemon juice made it the perfect light meal for a summer's evening.
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